Foi desenvolvido um logotipo que represente a área de atuação da empresa que tem como objetivo essencial transmitir de forma clara e eficiente segmento de atuação da HMF. Como especialistas em todos os segmentos de Nobreak, desde venda até manutenção e locação, é importante que o logotipo transmita a ideia de energia contínua e segura para todos os equipamentos.
O objetivo da empresa é fornecer produtos e serviços que assegurem uma energia sem interrupções ou oscilações, garantindo a proteção e a continuidade das atividades dos nossos clientes. Para isso, buscamos um logotipo que transmita confiança, segurança e inovação, representando a qualidade dos nossos produtos e serviços.
O logotipo contém elementos que remetam à ideia de energia, como formas dinâmicas e linhas fluidas, criando uma sensação de movimento e fluidez. Também é importante utilizar cores que transmitam segurança e estabilidade, como o verde, que representa a energia.
Além disso, é fundamental que o logotipo tenha uma tipografia legível e moderna, que transmita profissionalismo e inovação. A escolha das fontes foi cuidadosa escolhida, buscando uma harmonia entre o estilo da tipografia e a mensagem que queremos transmitir.
Em resumo, o logotipo representa confiança, segurança, inovação e energia contínua e segura para todos os equipamentos.
A logo was developed that represents the company's area of activity, whose essential objective is to clearly and efficiently convey HMF's segment of activity. As specialists in all UPS segments, from sales to maintenance and location, it is important that the logo conveys the idea of continuous and safe energy for all equipment.
The company's objective is to provide products and services that ensure energy without interruptions or oscillations, guaranteeing the protection and continuity of our customers' activities. For this, we are looking for a logo that conveys confidence, security and innovation, representing the quality of our products and services.
The logo contains elements that convey the idea of energy, such as dynamic shapes and flowing lines, creating a sense of movement and fluidity. It is also important to use colors that convey security and stability, such as green, which represents energy.
In addition, it is essential that the logo has a legible and modern typography, which conveys professionalism and innovation. The choice of fonts was carefully chosen, seeking harmony between the typography style and the message we want to convey.
In short, the logo stands for trust, safety, innovation and continuous, safe power for all equipment.
The company's objective is to provide products and services that ensure energy without interruptions or oscillations, guaranteeing the protection and continuity of our customers' activities. For this, we are looking for a logo that conveys confidence, security and innovation, representing the quality of our products and services.
The logo contains elements that convey the idea of energy, such as dynamic shapes and flowing lines, creating a sense of movement and fluidity. It is also important to use colors that convey security and stability, such as green, which represents energy.
In addition, it is essential that the logo has a legible and modern typography, which conveys professionalism and innovation. The choice of fonts was carefully chosen, seeking harmony between the typography style and the message we want to convey.
In short, the logo stands for trust, safety, innovation and continuous, safe power for all equipment.